
Random Thing #2: Planting the Tree

Episode 1; Plantin...

This is THE very first episode of The Red Squirtle....obviously editing was awful, there were NO sound effects, characters sounded different than they do now and not to mention that the mic cut on a few lines like

" To fulfill my dream of -ching every single Pokemon on the earth"
"Do that -ang you do"
But we ended up liking -ang so we kept it.

This is the same episode just without Master of Rock, this was made before he was on the team. It also doesn't have lines we added later. Also the announcer was not thought of so it just ends with an old running joke we used to have.

"He's Dead" then it just stops.
Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/18/2010

    Hey guys, first off, great stuff and keep it up. I've shown Red Squirtle to many of my friends and they enjoyed it as much as I did. I kinda had an idea for the random stuff. Maybe one of you can do a song called FLANGER HANGER DANGGUR DURGEN, having Red sing about naming Squirtle that and how Squirtle didn't like it. Sorry if someone else asked you about that before. Again, keep up the great work guys!


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