
Happy 2015!

Hello...you still there? I swear we still exist! some...some day we will return. In all serious-ness I do plan on actually releasing content, as pathetic that may sound. I have the urge to make more stuff. So you may see more Professor Oak episodes and the eventual return of Red and his crew. I can't promise anything, but I really do hope we can get Master of Rock back in town to do a massive recording session, That way we could have content for months upon months. For now, we only have episodes written, nothing recorded. I hope you all have been enjoying your holiday season. Not too long ago I got alpha sapphire and I am working to get a Red Squirtle themed secret base. Keep an eye on our facebook page for that. That'll be all for news this month.

Recently I saw that there were some guests on the blog and a certain sour fellow had blog duties in November. He asked "What is the worst part about Red?" Let's see what you all said to that!

B-rad said "Red's worst part is that he won't ever get to play Smash Bros. Wii U" However, I think Red is a trophy this time around so at least he will be near the action
Logananimeguy said "*Blinks* there's a worst part about him? I thought him being an idiot was all an act and being crazy is his strange personality" You know we're not even sure what to make of Red he is just Red. Either somehow a genius or a complete idiot. Someone could write an entire thesis about Red.

Mongo said "The worst part about Red was his old Eevee" She certainly was saucy.

This month I ask you all is... What would Red's second wish be if he was granted three wishes?

Remember only the second wish. I can't wait to read your comments. See you all soon!
