
Episode 37 and 38 Write Ups + New Trailer

Hey everyone, Alex here, finally returning back to the ol' blog for some episode write ups. Between last post and this one, we've released 2 episodes and a blooper collection. So lets dig right into Episode 37: Operation Dew-Gone
  • We had two different names for this episode, one being the actual name of the episode, Operation Dew-Gone. The other one being Noir to be Found. I thought both names were equally great. 
  • When writing the episode, I hit writer's block. I got as far as V throwing out his new Vaporeon before putting down the episode for a bit. The original intention for the episode was to have them fight, but I wanted to do a little bit more than just a battle. Eventually that little bit turned into the entire episode and we scrapped the battle.
  • We love to use music from other sources and boy did this episode give us that opportunity. We used music from Donkey Kong 64, L.A. Noir, and some generic Noir music I found online.
  • If the ending seems familiar, it is because it is ripped directly from Rocky 3
So that's that. So Let's go into...well the same episode in a sense. Episode 38: The Red-con
  • Of course Red and V have to battle! What kind of series would this be if we didn't have the battle?
  • The joke about paralysis was part of a rewrite. We did a recording before this one that ended up not being great. So we met up another time to redo the recording and with that extra time, I added a few lines, including the joke about putting Squirtle down. In current recordings, whenever someone messes up a line, we joke that we may need to put them down.
Hope you all enjoyed those episodes. They were really fun to make. Now onto the main attraction. The trailer for Episode 39!

Coming next Friday. Until Next time,
