
The Deal with Episode 32 + New Trailer

Hello everyone, welcome back to the blog. I hope you enjoyed Episode 32: Seven. It's another idea we've had for years and we're so excited to actually see it come to life. Doing episodes that stray from the plot line of the original Pokemon games tend to be some of my favorites (Jailbird, Vikings Awesome Adventures Part 8, the gym episodes and most recently Red Helsing and Seven) I'm sure if we strictly only did story episodes, we'd probably be close to being done. Enough with the intro! Let's get down to some fun facts about this wonderfully odd episode.

  • All of Red's mundane activities were performed by not Taco Man, but instead Master of Rock. So from brushing his teeth, to eating cereal, to walking on grass. That was all Master of Rock.
  • One of the news stories that can be heard during Red's Breakfast makes mention of a mysterious death that happened in Pewter City Museum. This is a reference to our second episode, Splashing the Cannonball. During our early episodes we had a running joke where someone would die at the end of each episode and a little girl died in the museum.
  • I've gone back and forth on how we should end the episode. Would it be funny to have Red realize his mistake or play out the joke longer? Clearly I chose the latter

What will happen next? Well here's a preview for the next episode!

Huh...well...ummm...At least the wait won't be too much longer! Episode 33 will be coming next Friday!
