Hey everyone. Your pal Blue is here and I guess they want someone competent to do this blog post. Alright let's see here...Okay so apparently we have begun uploading old episodes to our youtube channel once again. So I guess subscribe to the channel or something.... Next...wait nothing else is written here...man you guys are lame. Okay I'll tell you all a story. So the other day I was eating lunch. I was having a chicken sandwich and a salad. I could hear this guy complaining about something a few tables down. Being an amazing and awesome citizen I am, I asked what was wrong. He was trying to decide what he should eat. I told him to get what I got sand he did and he loved it! I am the best at recommending!...You want me to review last month's question? oookay. Let's see...last month the question was...? Are you serious?! Fine. What is the best part about Red? Let's see how you all answered that and I hope you all answered honestly!!
B-rad said "The best part about Red is he is still 10 after 5 years of adventure" Five years? It's only been like two days.
Ryan said "Amazing stuff" Oh ha ha. Aren't you a comedian! and by the way Red isn't amazing.
Mongo said "The best part about Red is his ridiculous luck, especially when it comes to game-shows or competitions" I'd say that's the worst part! I don't know how he can beat me every time! I try hard! But what does he do? Get by with dumb luck!
Logananimeguy said "The best part of Red is his best way to handle any situation thrown his
way, and probably if/when he faces mewtwo i'd expect him to throw a
pokeball and catch first try with full health then catch Fishy with the
master ball (Also hired as a Red Squirtle Writer, it's such an honor)" There's a two? When did that happen? Fishy? Who is that? And he doesn't handle situations well! He just somehow gets by! I do a better job...
That question was dumb! I got a better one for this month. What is the worst part about Red? Be brutal and honest! I can't wait to see your answers!
Smell you later,